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Data Sources: UPT from NTD August 2019 monthly adjusted data release, aggregated by urban area. Urban area population data updated annually from US Census ACS 1-yr estimates, except for urban areas less than about 65,000 people for which ACS 5-yr estimates were used. Estimates extrapolated to current year by linear regression.
Data Sources: UPT from NTD August 2019 monthly adjusted data release, aggregated by urban area. Urban area population data updated annually from US Census ACS 1-yr estimates, except for urban areas less than about 65,000 people for which ACS 5-yr estimates were used. Population estimates extrapolated to current year by linear regression.

Revision as of 00:17, 7 November 2019


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Data Sources: UPT from NTD August 2019 monthly adjusted data release, aggregated by urban area. Urban area population data updated annually from US Census ACS 1-yr estimates, except for urban areas less than about 65,000 people for which ACS 5-yr estimates were used. Population estimates extrapolated to current year by linear regression.